Invest and Support
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Invest and Support

Himba Calabash   Original Acrylic on canvas  40" x 30"

By investing in these limited edition prints you help support our THIRST Things First projects in Africa.

Water Maiden. Bucket List. When are the rains coming? He ain't heavy.
Herero Shabeen Queen. Opuwo mother.
Zulu balance.
Happy days! I've heard it all before.

These original paintings by Gary Waterworth Owen have been exhibited and sold internationally.

Gallery view

Now you have a chance to own one or collect all of these selected, numbered and signed, limited edition giclee prints, and help support the artist’s community development work in Africa.

Available sizes are: A1 (84 x 59.4cm), A2 (59.4 x 42cm), A3 (42 x 29.7cm) and A4 (29.7 x 21cm) fine art giclee 310gsm .


Gary and his son Garreth also support the Tshuma family in Zimbabwe - a family of artists that have suffered from AIDS, yet those remaining produce some of the most humourous and collectable carvings.

Tshuma Humour